I had never heard of this until I ran into working on a recent project. In “bash” you can open sockets:
exec file-descriptor<>/dev/tcp/IP-or-hostname-here/port
so for example:
exec 3<>/dev/tcp/
would open port 23 (telnet) to IP “” for read and write (the “<>”) on file descriptor “3” (remember descriptors 0, 1, and 2 are used by default for stdin, stdout, and stderr respectively, so you probably don’t want to step on them). Or if you prefer easier to read:
exec 3<>/dev/tcp/myhost.mydomain.com/telnet
and thus it’ll also do host and service lookups.
You can then write to the socket:
echo “mylogin” >&3
or read from the socket:
cat <&3
If you don’t use “<>” but rather just “<” or “>” you can open the socket only for read or write respectively.
You can also close the socket (as all good programmers should):
exec 3<&- # Close for read
exec 3>&- # Close for write
Bash – it shakes, it bakes, it does socket programming.
To note this is an entire bash-ism, you can’t simply do:
echo “hello” >/dev/tcp/
“bash” is intercepting the “/dev/tcp” stuff and fudging it.
And I thought Perl was the only one with ugly hacks.
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