Month: February 2011

  • Dear Vendors…

    I have to say one of my pet peeves is when vendors, and a lot seem to do it today, send emails or leave voicemails acting like we’ve known each other (often sounding like years) when we in fact haven’t even exchanged greetings before. I don’t know if that works for others, but for me…

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  • Converting VMware virtual disk to “eagerzeroedthick”

    Pretty simple from the console really: vmkfstools -d eagerzeroedthick -i <virtual-disk-source>.vmdk <virtual-disk-target>.vmdk Note that this will completely expand the size of the filesystem (ie: it will no longer be “thin”). I needed this not to convert a “thin” filesystem to “thick” filesystem, but a “thick” filesystem to a clusterable “thick” filesystem. The default of “zereodthick”…

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